How Twitter Can Boost Your Business
Using social media to boost your business is absolutely essential in this day and age. Most people think immediately of Facebook and Instagram when social media is mentioned. However, there’s a third major platform that should be considered, even for small and...

Networking: Your Own Pace is the Right Pace
In most books about building a successful business or being a profitable entrepreneur, you can almost guarantee that there’s a section on networking. Networking in these instances is sure to stress either going to as many “high-quality” events and working the room or...

Instagram Hashtags: Master Hashtags on Social Media
Out with the old, in with the new. Hashtags aren’t dead, but they’re dying. Hashtags aren’t as great as you think and if anyone has told you anything different, they are just selling you a dollar and a dream. This is your sign to stop doing hashtag research. Stop...

Cater to Customers with Multiples Streams of Services
Forget Multiple Streams of Income. Cater to Your Customers with Multiples Streams of Services “The Best way to begin is by beginning.” William Murray For a new entrepreneur, business can seem intimidating and overwhelming. With so many moving pieces, it’s hard not to...

5 Ways to Grow Your Small Business
You've got a small business, and you're trying to grow it. It can be really hard sometimes, but there are some ways that you can get your feet wet in the process of growing your customer base. In this blog post, we'll discuss five ways to grow your small business and...

How User-Generated Content Can Unlock Your Company’s Potential
What is User-Generated Content? Video content marketing and getting visible are important factors in making sure your company is getting the business it needs. However, there’s more you can be doing to truly unlock your company’s potential to attract people to your...

What is Retargeting Advertising & How Does It Work?
Not many people understand much about the back-end of digital marketing, but one aspect that everyone is familiar with is retargeting advertising. Also known by the name “stalker ads”, retargeting ads are the display or banner ads that follow you around once you’ve...

Here’s What You Need To Know About The Instagram Algorithm
It looks like we won’t have to keep scratching our heads, Instagram recently released a blog post that details how their algorithm works. Personally, I’ve been confused about the Instagram algorithm for quite some time now. As we’ve noticed, no one makes more changes...

Get Visible.
There’s an art to being seen. It goes well beyond putting yourself out there, it also comes down to strategy. The strategy is part relevance, part content, part-time of day. And, of course, as they say, part location, location, location! Relevance Oxford dictionary...

Advantages of Video Marketing
Video marketing is on the rise for several reasons. To begin, it is a very accessible, digestible medium that's quickly and effectively communicating with your audience. The visual element of video marketing allows you to build trust with your viewers and tap into a...