Are you an entrepreneur who runs a business in a saturated market and wants to expand your business? Tough as hell, especially if you are a small or new business owner. Improving creativity has no other alternatives in this situation as it will enable you to see unexplored opportunities in the market.
But, how can you improve creativity in business? In this article, I’ll share four proven ways to improve your entrepreneurial creativity. Let’s start;
1. Disengage Yourself
Silence is the golden solution that can boost your creativity and see the unseen through the mind’s eyes. Studies confirmed that staying in a quiet place and listening to soft music can reduce stress and improve our cognitive functions. In another study, psychologist Jonathan Smallwood found that creative thinking capacity is positively related to our ability to disengage from the world’s chaos. Disengagement also boosts our mood and activates our brain’s default network, which is the primary critical thinking source.
When you disengage yourself from the outside world, you will evaluate the same situation or problem from different perspectives.
2. Read
“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance”- Confucius.
An average CEO reads 52 books per year. Why are the CEO’s bookworms? Because reading opens the world imagination to you. You can learn from the mistakes of others and avoid them too. Books are one of the best ways to learn from history and to improve creative problem-solving skills. Try to devote 30 minutes of your day to improve your brain muscle and know the unknown. Three of my all-time favourite books on business that can open the world of imaginations to you are: Steal like an artist, by Austin Kleon; Creativity Inc., by Ed Carmull and Amy Wallace; and Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business, by Paul Jarvis.
3. Teach
Ever noticed best business leaders are also great mentors? Because they know mentors can learn as much as the mentees. Business is a social service, and understanding society’s value can open doors of opportunity to you. Sharing your ideas and experience with others and offering solutions to their problems can improve your thinking skills and enrich your knowledge. Attending discussions and seminars are some of the great ways to share knowledge and experience.
4. Play and Take Notes
People tend to be most creative when they love the job they do. Don’t hesitate to play with ideas. It’s ok to think differently. Take your time, do your research, talk with the experienced and creative minds, listen to their suggestions, and most importantly take notes as human brains are fantastic at thinking but suck at storing data. After all the exploring, in-depth discussions, and note-takings, don’t forget to sit in a quiet place and rearrange your thoughts and structure them with the knowledge and experience you gathered from teaching and reading.
Here are four proven ways to improve creative thinking skills that business leaders, like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, use frequently. Do you follow any other techniques that boost your creative thinking skill? Let the community know in the comment section.
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