Spark Creativity: Make Your Life the Content

Content creation often feels systematic, like following a formula. Though, in reality, creativity is far from linear. Think of it more as a soup—each moment, experience, and insight adding a new dash of seasoning or the sauteeing in of a savory ingredient.

As a content creator, your job is to be the chef of your canvas, giving meaning to the ‘soup’ of your life and your ideas. But what makes your creation special? Was it your first time making chili, and it turned out terribly? Or did you finally nail your grandmother’s homemade chicken soup recipe after 20 attempts?

While the world rushes to chase fleeting trends, you have the opportunity to cultivate timeless narratives that resonate deeply. Your focus should be on the legacy you want to build, not just the viral moment. Let that legacy guide your content strategy. The key is this: If you share what makes it special for you, you’ll inspire others to discover what makes it special for them. And that’s where your story starts to build a lasting connection.


What can you discover if you ask yourself the right questions, such as:

  • Who are you now, and where have you come from? 
  • What lessons or stories shaped who you are and how you see the world?
  • What core themes are permeating your life right now?

When you revisit old content, think of the growth you’ve experienced since then. Imagine you took a photo five years ago. Today, you’re on a journey of self-love. What does that old photo spark in you? Does it remind you why you started? Who you were back then? What was the story? When you reflect on those questions, you’ll find the hidden threads of your narrative, the foundation of meaningful content.

Curating Content Based on Your Life’s Themes

Sometimes, curating content is best done by focusing on a theme—something personal that resonates with your journey. Let’s say you want to use October to represent the death of stagnancy. How could you explore that theme in your content?

  • You could share about your commitment to walking or working out, symbolizing active movement and life.
  • You might write about your newfound productivity at work, after recovering from a season of burn out.
  • Or perhaps you create a series around resurrecting the ambitious beast within, one small, steady step at a time.

Our stories evolve, and so does our content. Every piece of content is a chance to reveal a part of your story—a reflection of what you believe in and what you want people to know about you.

A year ago, I got a dog. I had no idea how to take care of him at first, and content creation was the last thing on my mind. But now? Now, I can talk about the lessons learned over the past year. I’ve learned to listen to him, to observe how safe and loved he feels in my presence. I still hate picking up dog poop, but I love him, and so I can spend a few minutes doing something I hate. Any of the many photos and videos I have taken of him could work with this theme.

In looking back on my own growth, I am able to find and repurpose a piece of content from a year ago, and bring fresh meaning and relevance to it to make it modern instead of dated. 

Your content doesn’t have to be perfect or polished from the start. It just has to be real. That’s where the magic happens—when you use your voice to spark life and passion into others by sharing what inspires you. So, keep living and you will keep creating naturally. Embrace the soup of life. Stir up the meaning in every moment, and let your content be a reflection of the vibrant, delicious life you’re serving.

Atlanta Digital Marketing Agency


Kema Hodge


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