Making money is important to every business, but the almighty dollar holds even more importance to the average small business owner. The truth of the matter is that most small business owners may only be 1-2 rough months from going belly up and needing to shut down. Big businesses or corporations on the other hand have built up enough of a safety net to protect themselves against things like that, so that even in the face of the roughest economic situations they remain safe.
OJ Montgomery
What Analytics Should I Care About?
One of the main questions that pretty much every business owner or decision-maker has when they first start running ads for their business’ products/services is “What analytics should I really be paying attention to?”. Digital marketing is constantly evolving and there are plenty of stats and analytics being thrown at you, so some confusion is to be expected. You have performance stats (such as Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Avg. CPC, etc.), conversion stats (such as Conv. rate, Conv. Value, Cost/Conv, etc.), competitive metrics (such as Search Impression Share, Search Lost IS [rank], Search Lost IS [budget]), and much more.
Is Your Business Ready for Paid Ads?
For small businesses, paying for advertising comes with a completely different set of questions and challenges. Some include:
Where do I start?
What platforms should I be utilizing & when?
How big does my budget need to be?
Who should I target with my ads?
What should my ads say? What should they look like?
How will I know that my ads have truly been successful?
2 Things Social Media Managers Can Learn from Jay Z
In terms of growing a scaling business and talent, there are many great business minds that we can look to for inspiration and guidance, from CEO and Founders to key stakeholders to Board members. Many of these people have been there to grow the companies that control most of their respective markets since the very beginning.
Cattle Driver or Coach: What Type of Leader Are You?
Over the course of 2020 and 2021, the landscape of the business world has changed drastically. Many businesses were forced into Work-from-Home situations in the height of the pandemic and, while it was originally thought that work couldn’t be maintained this way, many...
The Importance of Respect & Communication in Business
As most people will tell you, respect and communication play essential roles in maintaining long-term relationships with your family and friends. Respect is defined as due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. Communication is defined as...
Facebook’s Crash & The Importance of Having A Website
Earlier this week, Facebook Inc and its subsidiary web-based services were out of service for a portion of the day. This meant that for about six hours users could not access Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp at all. Being that the world today is so heavily dependent...
Certified Marketing Strategy
Drake’s highly anticipated album, Certified Lover Boy, has been out for just about three weeks now and, regardless of how good you think it is, one thing that is certain is that you’ve heard or seen something about it. While the long-term opinions of the music vary...
Networking: Your Own Pace is the Right Pace
In most books about building a successful business or being a profitable entrepreneur, you can almost guarantee that there’s a section on networking. Networking in these instances is sure to stress either going to as many “high-quality” events and working the room or...
What is Retargeting Advertising & How Does It Work?
Not many people understand much about the back-end of digital marketing, but one aspect that everyone is familiar with is retargeting advertising. Also known by the name “stalker ads”, retargeting ads are the display or banner ads that follow you around once you’ve...