What is Retargeting Advertising & How Does It Work?

Not many people understand much about the back-end of digital marketing, but one aspect that everyone is familiar with is retargeting advertising. Also known by the name “stalker ads”, retargeting ads are the display or banner ads that follow you around once you’ve visited a website. Say you’ve just visited a website and looked at a t-shirt or a pair of shoes and the next day while you’re scrolling through other unrelated websites you see an ad for the exact shirt or shoes that you looked at, that’s retargeting. Research has shown that it now takes 9 touchpoints, or points of contact, for a consumer to convert. These touchpoints refer to anything from a website click, a search ad, video ads, display ads, billboards, and more. Although this number was only 7 a few years ago, the reduction in attention span, has caused the number of touchpoints to go up.

Now that you’re familiar with retargeting let’s break down how it works. Most advertisers take advantage of Google for implementing campaigns like this. Retargeting is only possible when targeting users based on their previous Internet actions. Advertisers take a small piece of code and place it on the back of the website. This code is then dropped in to the browser’s cookies and allows advertisers to re-market to those people for a specified amount of time. Advertisers can also specify specific actions that they want to be completed prior to the user being hit with a cookie. Examples of actions are, website visits, specific page visits, form completions, button clicks, cart abandoners, or completed purchases. All of these actions can drop different cookies and allow you to target each of these different groups of users separately. 

Here’s where retargeting gets interesting. A lot of advertisers are only taking advantage of Google because they believe that this is covering all of the bases. The truth is that Google only accounts for about 50% of online browsing activity. The majority of the other 50% belongs to Facebook & Instagram. So the reality is that, while you believe Google provides 360-degree coverage, you’re really only getting 180-degree coverage. Complete coverage is not impossible. 

Facebook’s Business Manager has the tools necessary to target users, in the same way, using their platforms and networks. Facebook sends a code similar to the one Google gives called a Facebook Pixel that performs almost the exact same way. You can set up all of the same trackable actions and target those users while they utilize Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and their extended network. Why not maximize the retargeting coverage for your business? If this is something that would benefit your business or brand, our full-service digital marketing agency offers a service called Source 360 Retargeting. We are capable of walking you through the entire process and making sure you understand exactly what’s happening and who your ads are targeting. Our goal is to work as your partner and help you accomplish your marketing goals. Give The Kool Source a call today to get started!

OJ Montgomery
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