Social Media is a tool with incredible power. With that comes an incredible amount of pressure to be successful on various platforms.
At the Kool Source, our mantra is Get Visible, Get Found, Get Paid.
When you simplify marketing, you arrive at this very simple conclusion. You learn that in order to get paid, people need to know that you and the solution you are offering exists (visibility). And to learn that you and your solutions exist, well, people need to be able to find you.
While we recommend launching your brand with a website, the next powerful vehicle for your business is undoubtedly social media. The question is, how do we as entrepreneurs and business owners effectively manage social media so that our businesses can get Visible, Found, and Paid?
Knowing is half the battle…
Recently, I produced about 50 posts for a client within the span of a few business days. I was able to do this because the client had a strong sense of their brand. Moreover, they already selected templates and knew the core messages they wanted to convey on social media. For clients that don’t have templates or know their messaging, we ask them a few in-depth questions to ensure that we can recreate the tone and feeling of their brand on social media.
Below, I’ve shared a few of those questions in order to help you organize your thoughts around your brand, your messaging, and your visual identity on social media so that whether you are creating your own content or outsourcing it, there is an easy, effective way to reproduce quality content.
Here are a few social media questions we ask our clients.
What are the marketing messages you want to communicate?
There is an overwhelming amount of information available on social media. In order to quickly capture your audience’s attention and show them that you value their time, conveying messages quickly and clearly is one of the most effective strategies you can have.
Each month, make a short list of 2-5 short messages or call to action about your brand that you want to convey in your posts. These can be things like:
- Get Visible, Found, Paid.
- Learn more about how you can grow your business.
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel
- Join our community!
- Download our free guide!
Once you have your messages listed out, create 3-5 posts around each one and then design them to meet your brand standards. This is an easy way to ensure your content strategy supports your business goals.
What interactions and engagements are most important to you?
Most social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide a dynamic mix of insights and analytics for business owners to review. Depending on your goals, it is not always important to review all of the insights and analytics available.
Instead, select KPIs or Key Performance Indicators that align with your business goals. These are the metrics that inform you of how your posts are performing in relation to your conversion goals. For example, if your goal is to increase traffic on your website, a KPI on Instagram might be Website Clicks. If your goal is to increase engagement, the KPI you monitor may be Comments and Shares.
Once you know which KPIs are relevant to your business goals, you will be able to focus on only the metrics that impact success or indicate an opportunity for improvement.
What are the things that matter to your audience?
When producing social media content, take demographic data one step further and start to identify the trends, habits, patterns, and pain points that matter most to your audience. Who are the celebrities and influencers that align with your target audience’s goals for their lives? What information are they seeking to learn more about on social media?
Once you know what’s important to your audience, you can select visuals, hashtags, and even write captions that speak to your target audience’s goals and desires.
Would you like to know more?
These are just a few of the questions that we ask our clients when we onboard them for our Social Media Management services. If these questions were helpful to you and you would like to learn more about getting Visible, Found, and Paid, check out our Capabilities or give us a call at 404-953-KOOL (5665).
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