Making money is important to every business, but the almighty dollar holds even more importance to the average small business owner. The truth of the matter is that most small business owners may only be 1-2 rough months from going belly up and needing to shut down. Big businesses or corporations on the other hand have built up enough of a safety net to protect themselves against things like that, so that even in the face of the roughest economic situations they remain safe.
Month: March 2023
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5 Tips to Avoid Burnout
As we return to pre-pandemic normalcy, it’s important to address the issue that we are not the same, though our working conditions may be. While we were at home, we battled new bouts of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Many of us experienced a new form of stress that came from social isolation. Pre-pandemic normalcy seems like it would be an easy cure for some of these new disorders and issues. However, the great resignation movement is proof that pre-pandemic normalcy isn’t going to work for everyone.
How to Write a Great Brand Story that Connects
The main aim of developing a brand story is to wholeheartedly connect with your target audience. The brand story seeks to outline the initiative of your brand.