While The Kool Source can absolutely help you to improve your website, specifically your SEO (search engine optimization), there are some steps you can take on your own to start the process.
There are five simple steps you can take to get your website rising on the SERP, or Search Engine Results Pages. Most of those steps involve your content and the approach you take to posting it.
1. Post Relevant Content
This may seem like a no-brainer, but some companies struggle with figuring out what is relevant on their pages and what to post. A good place to start is by reviewing your current posts and content to see which ones are getting the most interactions and comments. That will give you an idea of what people on your site want to see and read when they are clicking through your website.
It helps to post content that is related to trending topics since this could give you a short-term boost and could make you seem like an early authority on that particular topic. Just make sure to keep in mind that the content is for your customers, not necessarily for you.
2. Improve Your Images
Compressing, resizing or reducing the file size of your pictures can greatly enhance the quality of your site. It will lower your loading times, which will help your SERP ranking and get you seen by more people. Another step you can take is to name the image something relevant to what you are posting about. You can also use keywords in the title of your image, the caption, or the description to add some punch to your site’s SEO. Just don’t overdo the addition of pictures for keyword purposes or it can be an overload for people viewing your site.
3. Start Your Own Blog
This falls in line with posting relevant and fresh content. It’s a great tool for you and your business to generate traffic as well as leads. It will help you to engage with visitors to your site and it will allow you to write about topics you know your customers and visitors want to learn more about. Creating a blog and writing consistently for it will allow you to implement the previous two keys to improving your SEO.
You can use images with keywords, descriptions, and titles that will help boost your SEO by writing a blog. It also gives you the chance to link to external sites and get linked back to by others, thus building your authority on the subject matter and improving off-site SEO. This impacts your SERP ranking and can make your site much more popular.
4. Optimize For Mobile
This step may be the key to expanding your follower and customer base. Over 60% of Google searches come from mobile devices so it’s possible that more than half the people looking at your site are doing it on the go. If your site doesn’t fit cleanly on mobile, you’ll see tons of people “bouncing” off your site to go elsewhere. So make sure your site can easily be read and viewed on mobile devices or you could be losing out on a large amount of traffic and business. This will tank your SERP rankings and keep more people from seeing your site.
5. Use Simple and Easy Language
This applies even if you are a doctor, lawyer, or someone in a complicated field of work. The easier it is to understand what you are saying the more people will want to read what you have written. You’ll reduce the number of people who want to leave your site after only a minute or so. There are tons of resources to make your writing more elementary and uncomplicated. Readable.com and Grammarly are two such resources you can use to help. If you are writing in WordPress there are also widgets available that will suggest fixes for your posts.
To recap, make sure you are posting relevant content, improving your images on site, writing your own blog posts, optimizing for mobile, and using simple language in your posts. Just by taking those five steps you can improve your SEO drastically and make your way to the front page of Google or other search engines. And of course, if you need more help along the way, The Kool Source would be happy to provide it. You can find more information about services here.
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