
How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score Quickly

How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score Quickly

If you’re running a Google Ads campaign, you know that a high-Quality Score is crucial to achieving success. But what exactly is a Quality Score? In simple terms, it’s a rating that Google gives your ads based on the relevance and usefulness of your landing page, ad copy, and keywords. The higher your Quality Score, the more likely your ads will show up at the top of search engine results pages and the less you’ll have to pay for clicks. If you’re looking to improve your Quality Score quickly, here are some tips that will help you boost your score and get the most out of your Google Ads campaign.

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Brand Awareness: Spending Money to Make Money

Brand Awareness: Spending Money to Make Money

Making money is important to every business, but the almighty dollar holds even more importance to the average small business owner. The truth of the matter is that most small business owners may only be 1-2 rough months from going belly up and needing to shut down. Big businesses or corporations on the other hand have built up enough of a safety net to protect themselves against things like that, so that even in the face of the roughest economic situations they remain safe.

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What Analytics Should I Care About?

What Analytics Should I Care About?

One of the main questions that pretty much every business owner or decision-maker has when they first start running ads for their business’ products/services is “What analytics should I really be paying attention to?”. Digital marketing is constantly evolving and there are plenty of stats and analytics being thrown at you, so some confusion is to be expected. You have performance stats (such as Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Avg. CPC, etc.), conversion stats (such as Conv. rate, Conv. Value, Cost/Conv, etc.), competitive metrics (such as Search Impression Share, Search Lost IS [rank], Search Lost IS [budget]), and much more.

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Advertising to Gamers Might Be The Marketing Lift Your Brand Needs

Advertising to Gamers Might Be The Marketing Lift Your Brand Needs

Advertisers are constantly trying to find new strategies, platforms, and audiences to market their brands. With new platforms and methods for digital marketing appearing constantly, it is easy to miss out on highly effective advertising platforms. In this blog post, we will take a look at an extremely effective target audience that major brands have been paying attention to more and more, over the past few years: Gamers.

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