Finding Your Brand’s Tone of Voice

Finding Your Brand’s Tone of Voice

The way a brand interacts with its audience through messages and customer interactions is known as its “tone of voice.” The brand’s identity and set of values are expressed through the tone of voice. A brand should have a distinct, identifiable, and unique tone of voice. Being as distinctive and recognized as you can is even more crucial in a world where every industry is saturated. 

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Dos & Dont’s When Working With A Marketing Agency

Dos & Dont’s When Working With A Marketing Agency

Working with a marketing agency can be a great step in taking your business to the next level. For this article, let’s say you have already found the perfect agency for your business. To get the most out of your new partnership, it is important to give your agency all the tools they will need to give you the best marketing solutions possible. Let’s discuss the best and worst practices when it comes to working with a marketing agency.

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What Analytics Should I Care About?

What Analytics Should I Care About?

One of the main questions that pretty much every business owner or decision-maker has when they first start running ads for their business’ products/services is “What analytics should I really be paying attention to?”. Digital marketing is constantly evolving and there are plenty of stats and analytics being thrown at you, so some confusion is to be expected. You have performance stats (such as Impressions, Clicks, CTR, Avg. CPC, etc.), conversion stats (such as Conv. rate, Conv. Value, Cost/Conv, etc.), competitive metrics (such as Search Impression Share, Search Lost IS [rank], Search Lost IS [budget]), and much more.

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