Strategic Planning

5 Reasons to Hire a Copywriter for Your Small Business in Atlanta 

5 Reasons to Hire a Copywriter for Your Small Business in Atlanta 

From billboards to hashtags, the sole purpose of all marketing is to persuade people to take the actions you want. One of the most effective ways to do that is through the written word. It’s worked for thousands of years and that isn’t changing anytime soon. 

But, there’s one important caveat: the copy (written word) must be good. It must be easy to read and comprehend. There can’t be too much jargon or wordiness. It needs to draw the reader in and then get to the point quickly. 

This is especially true today. People have so much content to consume that they often barely taste it much less digest it. Words come and go. They read something and then move on to the next shiny piece of content that grabs their attention. 

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Why You Should Plan Your Holiday Campaigns Early

Why You Should Plan Your Holiday Campaigns Early

Although summer just started, we all know the holidays are around the corner so we need to start planning. The holiday season is full of opportunities for businesses. To make the most of this festive period, it’s essential to plan your holiday campaigns well in advance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of starting your holiday campaigns early and how they can give you a competitive edge.

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Is Content Marketing Worth It?

Is Content Marketing Worth It?

Every business that invests in online marketing must make a choice about which type of marketing is right for them. Many companies add content creation and distribution to their advertising plan. In this article, we will introduce you to content marketing as a strategy, so you can understand why it is favored by many and make an informed decision on whether you want to add it to your marketing arsenal as well.  

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What Does CTR Stand For? And Other SEO Terms for Small Business

What Does CTR Stand For? And Other SEO Terms for Small Business

You have a brand new website for your small business. It’s everything you hoped for and looks better than you imagined. But, there’s a problem. No one else knows how great it looks! A beautiful website is great. It makes your small business look more professional and inviting and sets the tone for how you want people to think about your brand. However, a beautiful website is only as good as the number of people who see it. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. 

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What Businesses Need to Know About the Newest, Emerging Generation: Generation Alpha

What Businesses Need to Know About the Newest, Emerging Generation: Generation Alpha

Generation Alpha is the newest generation to emerge. These are the children born between 2010 and 2025. With an estimated population of 2 billion, GenA is slated to be the largest generation in the world. As we prepare for this generation to come of age, here are a few things to keep in mind about GenA and how we as businesses can create experiences that resonate with them.

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Brand Awareness: Spending Money to Make Money

Brand Awareness: Spending Money to Make Money

Making money is important to every business, but the almighty dollar holds even more importance to the average small business owner. The truth of the matter is that most small business owners may only be 1-2 rough months from going belly up and needing to shut down. Big businesses or corporations on the other hand have built up enough of a safety net to protect themselves against things like that, so that even in the face of the roughest economic situations they remain safe.

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