Word of mouth marketing continues to be one of the most popular forms of marketing. Have you ever visited a restaurant because a friend told you about their great experience? Have you ever tried a product or service because someone close to you recommended it? I know...
Business Insight
Is Your Business Idea an Opportunity Worth Pursuing?
Each year more & more individuals and businesses have great ideas that they feel could create value in the marketplace and in the world. This is great, but at some point, they each have to be able to step back and ask themselves if this idea just that, a great...
3 NEW Features that will Change Your Mind About Zoom
At the turn of spring 2020, when COVID-19 forced us all indoors, there was one outlet we all seemed to turn to - Zoom. Whether it was for a class, to reconnect with friends, or to host work-from-home meetings, Zoom was our go-to solution. However, by summer 2020, our...
Will New Enhancements Drive Deeper Connections on LinkedIn?
After seventeen years in business as the premier social platform for professional networking, LinkedIn has released some of their best updates thus far enhancing the engagement of users while tightening up on its Professional Community Policies. Given that LinkedIn is...
A Quarter Early or A Dollar Short: 4 Business Tips For Black Friday
Summer’s coming to a close and everyone is preparing for hot cocoa, football games, hoodie/sweater weather, sitting around the fire, and literally everything food becoming available in pumpkin spice flavors. While this may all sound nice, as a business owner there is...